Kollywood's much awaited movie Mankatha is has Ajith, Trisha, Arjun, Lakshmi Rai, Anjali and Premji Amaran in the cast. This film which is based on gambling and matches fixing is being directed by the Kollywood sensitive director Venkat Prabhu. This film is being produced by Dayanidhi Azhagiri under the banner Cloud Nine. For the first time Ajith is donning a whole some negative shade character. Trisha is also for the first time donning the role (Sanjana) of a Chennai slum girl speaking Chennai Tamil dialect. Yuvan Shankar Raja has composed the music and the audio is to be launched on 10th of August.
Meanwhile the good news for Gorgeous Trisha Kriahnan and Thala Ajith Kumar’s fans is that the trailer of Mankatha is ready and will be sent to Censors on 5th August and will hit the screens and satellite channels on August 6th. The other news that the post production work of this film is going on top gear. Dubbing and re-recording work is going on. Trisha has completed her dubbing.
Meanwhile the good news for Gorgeous Trisha Kriahnan and Thala Ajith Kumar’s fans is that the trailer of Mankatha is ready and will be sent to Censors on 5th August and will hit the screens and satellite channels on August 6th. The other news that the post production work of this film is going on top gear. Dubbing and re-recording work is going on. Trisha has completed her dubbing.
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