'Mankatha', or shall we say, director Venkat Prabhu's game, has seen an official website launch. This film marks thala Ajith's 50th and his leading lady love Stylish Trisha's 40th film of their respective careers. This multi-starrer that also features Arjun, Andrea, Premgi, Anjali, Mahat and many others has music scored by Yuvan Shankar Raja.
IndiaGlitz has designed the official website for this Ajith starrer. Log on to the website and check out interesting pictures from the film or you can also download exclusive wallpapers! Not just that, the website has an interesting offering - The Mankatha Game. You can play 'Mankatha', literally, in here, where you can choose a player and an opponent and have the stars compete against one another in the game.
'Mankatha' has five strangers plan a heist, Ajith, a cop, gets a whiff of their plans and then the 'Mankatha', that is to say, the chase begins. This racy thriller has many interesting twists and who wins the game in this heist, forms the story of 'Mankatha'.
Don't forget to post in your feedback about the website, the game and your expectations on the film for we'll make sure that the cast and crew get a glimpse of your feedback!Click here to log on to 'Mankatha' official website...
IndiaGlitz has designed the official website for this Ajith starrer. Log on to the website and check out interesting pictures from the film or you can also download exclusive wallpapers! Not just that, the website has an interesting offering - The Mankatha Game. You can play 'Mankatha', literally, in here, where you can choose a player and an opponent and have the stars compete against one another in the game.
'Mankatha' has five strangers plan a heist, Ajith, a cop, gets a whiff of their plans and then the 'Mankatha', that is to say, the chase begins. This racy thriller has many interesting twists and who wins the game in this heist, forms the story of 'Mankatha'.
Don't forget to post in your feedback about the website, the game and your expectations on the film for we'll make sure that the cast and crew get a glimpse of your feedback!Click here to log on to 'Mankatha' official website...
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