South India's Angelic Beauty, Gorgeous Trisha Krishnan, who has thousands of fans in the state will finally debut into Malayalam. Trisha is reported to have agreed to the director Deepan's new film with Prithviraj as her debut vehicle in Mollywood. Titled as 'Hero', the movie will also have many more highlights, the prominent one being Tamil actor Sreekanth coming up as the antihero. Few will remember that it was the other way, in 'Kanakanden', through which Prithviraj debuted into Tamil. The movie had Sreekanth as the hero while Prithvi was playing the antihero role.
'Hero' will be scripted by Vinod Guruvayoor, while Bharani K Dharan will crank the camera. Gopi sundar is the music director to lyrics set by Shibu Chakarvarthy and Anil Panachooran.
'Hero' will also feature Thalaivasal Vijay, Nedumudi Venu, Arun, Anil Murali, Guines Pakru and Kottayam Nazeer in other important roles. Watch out this space for the latest updates of the movie.
'Hero' will be scripted by Vinod Guruvayoor, while Bharani K Dharan will crank the camera. Gopi sundar is the music director to lyrics set by Shibu Chakarvarthy and Anil Panachooran.
'Hero' will also feature Thalaivasal Vijay, Nedumudi Venu, Arun, Anil Murali, Guines Pakru and Kottayam Nazeer in other important roles. Watch out this space for the latest updates of the movie.
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