Sunday, December 26, 2010

Mike He's Birthday Wish is to Have a Girlfriend

Mike He is celebrating his 27th birthday on December 28 and his fans held an early celebration party for him on the 25th. His good friend Dylan Kuo made a special appearance and brought a bottle of aged wine for him, signifying their friendship is long-lasting ["jiu" is the homophones of alcohol and long].

Been single for 4-5 years, the Taiwanese idol's birthday wish is to have a girlfriend. He dated a gril several years before but their relationship ended after he went to film in Mainland. As for his requirements for girlfriend, he hopes she can understand him and it is okay if she works in the showbiz: "I'll admit it if I got photographed, but must be agreed by her."

The "Calling For Love" star is currently shooting 2 idol dramas: <幸福最晴天> (Sunny Happiness) with Janine Chang and <美樂,加油!> with Cyndi Wang. Although he has intimate kiss scenes with the two actress, but the actor actually complains he is hurt by these girls. First, he gets hit by Janine during filming; then Cyndi once kicked on his important private part. Cyndi even said she did not feel it at all, making Mike lose face.

Source: China Times & UDN / Translation: KAY@ Kay's Entertainment


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