Tuesday, December 7, 2010

TVB Ratings Report (11/29-12/05/2010)

*NEW* Show Me the Happy - 依家有喜 (Episode 1-5) - 24 pts

*NEW* Twilight Investigaiton - 囧警查過界 (Episode 1-5) - 27 pts

Gun Metal Grey - 刑警 (Episode 20-24) - 29 pts 

Variety Shows
Liza and Gods Anniversary Charade - 荃加福祿壽玩轉台慶 (Episode 4) - 24 pts

TVB Anniversary 2010 Pre-show - 萬千星輝頒獎典禮2010大檢閱 - 27 pts

TVB Anniversary 2010 - 萬千星輝頒獎典禮2010 - 38 pts, peaking 41 pts


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