Sunday, December 26, 2010

ATV Gives Up Paying Ratings Report

Hong Kong's ATV is not letting you to see their bad ratings again.

Once received 0 point rating, ATV has decided to stop paying ratings report starting January 1, 2011. Not only the report reflects program ratings, it is also used as a guide for advertising companies to sell their commercials. Ratings report fee is shared along with TVB, ATV, and other advertising companies. TVB pays the most and ATV pays 3 million every year.

As for this decision, ATV's high executive explains: "Now many people switched to LED, Plasma TV. You can't place the receiver into new TV models, so ratings are not accurately recorded, that's why we are not paying ratings report again."

Now ATV is not paying its part, it is known TVB has to cover ATV's fee from now on, which TVB is very dissatisfied.

Source: ON.CC / By: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment


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