Friday, December 17, 2010

Raymond Wong to Accompany Wife During Delivery

Raymond Wong Ho-Yin was recording for cooking show <新派煮意> and cooked 6 dishes. He expressed he wants to cook a big meal in Christmas to celebrate with friends. As for whether he would give a big present to his pregnant wife, he said: "Friends around me are saying it. In fact it's nothing special. I'm happy that my wife is in a good condition. (Need to say no to certain foods?) She eats everything. (Whether she has mood swings often?) She feels uncomfortable on her back often, and will complain a little, but it's understandable."

Ho-Yin avoided disclosing wife's due date, only disclosed he will clean the house during break and already bought things for the baby: "Now I'm finding a maternity helper, but no need to live together, because my mom and auntie will help us out. (Absent from work to accompany wife?) I asked for a 10-day break."

Source: Mingpao, Oriental Daily / Translation: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment


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