Monday, December 20, 2010

TVB Series Faces Drop in Ratings

The holiday season starts to affect television ratings.

TVB's "Show Me the Happy," "Twilight Investigation," and "Links to Temptation" all have a drop in average ratings. New sitcom "Show Me the Happy" dropped 2 points compared to last week, receiving only 23 points this week. "Twilight Investigation" dropped 1 point this week (29 points). Steven Ma and Fala Chen's new series "Links to Temptation" premiered last week and received only a 27 points rating. Broadcast Authority also received 4 complaints for "Links to Temptation" and they aimed at Fala Chen's character in the series. Her greediness, sacrificing body, and pole dancing are complained.

The only TVB program that has a raise in rating is "Fun With Liza and Gods Concert," which received an average rating of 27 points (increased 5 points).

Source: Mingpao, ON.CC / By: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment


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