Saturday, December 11, 2010

Blonde Ambitions Part I (The Antichrist)

If you were expecting some kind of cool Antichrist (like Charlotte Gainsbourg with a talking fox) this is not your lucky day. This is just your regular Katherine Heigl Antichrist. Inspired by Human Dramedy's wonderful take on a couple of brunettes, I thought I would do the same for the blondes of the world, the TV world that is. Blonde actresses working (now or sometime) on television and how have they fared in their careers. And as I compiled the list of the actresses I would like to discuss, I realized that a post was not enough to accomplish such a task. So here it is the first part of this humble project. (sidenote: there is nothing more humble than calling yourself humble) And as I do in life, I have chosen to start with the more disgusting part: the black-void blonde ambition.
Katherine Heigl first appeared in my life as Izzie Stevens on Grey's Anatomy and I'm proud to say I loved her! Her character was nothing if not lovable and someone playing a doctor so nice has to be nice in real life... Ha! The magic of television is prone to fool you. After becoming one of the most loathed characters ever she eventually left the show that gave her everything and turned into a "movie star". I could be Ok with that. Celebrities are entitled to bitchiness according to Bette Davis' and Joan Crawford's gospels... But if you leave a decent (or semi-decent by the time she left) show to star in films such as 27 dresses, The Ugly Truth or Killers, be prepared to be hated by me. And to be fair, I have not seen any of those films but this is my blog and I can have prejudices if I want to!! If you don't like it, stop reading and go watch High School Musical for all I care!! Blah! Crazy!!
Anyway, Katherine Heigl, I hate you. I loved you once, though. But don't worry, it doesn't look like my love for you is ever coming back... So this is it. The first Blonde Ambition and she's burnt in hatred flames!

To be continued...


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