Sunday, December 26, 2010

Hong Kong Showbiz in 2010

2010 is coming to an end and many big things have happened in the Hong Kong showbiz. Happy, sad, etc, here is a list of some of the big events of 2010:


Awards might be just a show to people, but still generated big news, like the recent TVB Anniversary Awards, everyone's about TV King and Queen.

The 29th HK Film Awards || Mr. Hong Kong 2010 || Miss Hong Kong 2010 || TVB Anniversary Awards 2010


Charlene Choi and Ronald Cheng's Divorce - Still remember this BIG thing happened back in March-ish? It's stunning enough to hear them split and then DIVORCE---WOW! They hid their 4-year marriage like that!

Bernice Liu and Moses Chan Split - Although they never directly admit their 6-year relationship, but most of us already see them as the perfect couple. What a surprise


Most weddings are held towards the end of the year, congratulations to all couples!

Angelica Lee's Wedding || Daniel Wu's Wedding || Heidi Chu's Wedding || Kiki Sheung's Wedding || Mandy Cho's Wedding || Leila Tong's Wedding || Jordan Chan and Cherrie Ying's Wedding || Skye Chan's Wedding || Jo Koo's Wedding || Miriam Yeung's Wedding ||

Newborn Babies

While these people gave birth to precious children this year, more others are expecting! Like Ada Choi, Raymond Cho, Raymond Wong, Roger Kwok :D

Christy Chung Gives Birth to Daughter || Suki Tsui Gives Birth to Daughter || Hacken Lee Welcomes 2nd Son || Cecilia Cheung Gives Birth to 2nd Son Quintus || Gigi Lai Gives Birth to Twin Girls || Karena Lam Gets Married and Gives Birth 


Very sorry to hear these people passing away, life is actually short if you don't cherish it well, cherish when you can. RIP

Michelle Yim's BF Wan Chi Keung || Author/Actress Tina Ti Na || TVB Artiste Elton Loo || Director Wong Tin Lam

Stephen Chan Arrest For Bribery - this TVB executive's golden words 真的假不了,假的真不了 (rough translation: "Can't fake the truth. Can't make the fake true") become a slogan.


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