Saturday, December 18, 2010

Wayne Lai Praises Wife is the Real Life Version of 'Gau Goo Leung'

Wayne Lai and wife Julia attended to an event together yesterday. Not only the TV King kissed his wife many times, he also praised she is the real life version of "Gau Goo Leung," young and pretty. Asked whether they received higher pay by working as a pair, he said: "My wife is like a part-time artiste. This time she is actually the lead of the show, I just have a supporting role. I have lots of work, now I'm letting my wife to come out to work, so I can take a break."

Wayne expressed money is not the biggest consideration he takes when it comes to working with his family; it is actually the work itself. He disclosed after his son shoot a commercial with him, his son gets addicted and hopes to do it again. Asked whether he would share some money with his son, he said: "Use his commission to buy gifts for him!" He expressed he did not have that much work this Christmas and is able to spend the holiday with his family. He already bought a watch for his wife as Christmas present.

Source: Mingpao / Translation: KAY@ Kay's Entertainment

Wayne's commercial with his son: 


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