Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Strange things will happen...

... if you let them. And certainly the HFPA does let them. Golden Globe nominations! Chaos and fun! I'm not including a complete list but rather some random thoughts on the nominations. If you want a full list The Film Experience has one and IMDB another. And maybe, I don't know, try Google! (It is a page few people know and I enjoy recommending it ;))

Random thought #1: 127 hours is not up for picture but it is for script. (Thoughts pause for a while) And here I was thinking that my random thoughts would be more elaborated.

Random thought #2: I am Love is love. I am so glad it's nominated!

Random thought #3: Three of the nominees for best actress in a comedy have names that start with the letters An. Two of them have names that start with Anne. One of them has a name that also ends with Anne. That's Anne Hathaway, in case you're wondering...

Random thought #4: YAY! EMMA STONE IS SO FUN!

Random thought #5: Johnny Depp's next award will probably be Miss Universe. That is more likely than someone enjoying his performance (or anything about the movie for that matter) in Alice in Wonderland.

Random thought #6: I'm getting tired of typing Random thought all those times. From now one RT means Random thought.

RT #7: Mila Kunis is nominated!! Bliss!

RT#8: RT reminds me too much of Rotten Tomatoes, which by the way has also a list of the nominees. I'm going back to Random thought full.

Random thought #9: Aronofsky is nominated!! Bliss the Sequel!!

Random thought #10: In case Random thoughts #7 and #9 did not make it clear enough, I love Black Swan being nominated for things. And I still haven't seen it...

Random thought #11: In case Random thought #5 did not make it clear enough, Alice in Wonderland makes unicorn puppies die of cancer.

Random thought #12: I love Nicole Kidman so much. She is without a doubt my favorite actress. From this we can conclude that I am happy she is nominated. In fact, except for the two uninvited guests (Berry and Wahlberg), I am very content with the drama acting nominations (though Kidman, Portman and Eisenberg are extra special in my heart).

Random thought #13: I really feel there is too much wrongness with the TV nominations to put my regular thoughts into Random thoughts. Maybe some other time, some other post.

Random thought #14: I did not want to end with 13 random thoughts.

Random afterthought #1: As I wrote the tags I realized that I did not mention Fincher or The Social Network once and that is very wrong because that film is exquisite and deserves all the nominations it has. This is such a good year for great films but the greatest (so far) is The Social Network.


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