Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Bernice Liu Communicates With Moses Chan

Bernice Liu accepted a radio interview yesterday and talked about her recent reports. She said: "Moses and I have communicated and he said he didn't say 'past is in the past' as it was reported." The actress said this sentence caused misunderstanding and everyone is criticizing her. Moses told her he did not say it and they are always friends and colleagues. She cleared up that she is sure Moses is not the one who released information to reporters; she knows who did it.

Asked whether she "steps on two boats with one feet" (two timer), Bernice said it is "7 boats"---5 men and 2 women. Eating out with friends and enjoying a boat ride is believed to be dating rich people; getting something back from a friend's place is believed they are living together. Such imagination made Bernice laugh. As for she is said greedy for money because she is dating Alastair Lam, she said she earned what she earns now through hard work. She said: "Everyone's focus is on me liking money. In fact, it's not important whether he's rich or not, it's more important to have communication with each other. I'm friends with him because of that."

Source: Mingpao / Translation: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment


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