Friday, December 17, 2010

Ekin Cheng Plans to Marry Yoyo Mung

Ekin Cheng attended to a chocolate event in Tsim Sha Tsui last night. He sweetly disclosed girlfriend Yoyo Mung once made chocolate cake to him and introduced low-sugar desserts to his father, who has diabetes. Asked how is he celebrating Christmas? He said: "I will celebrate it with colleagues in the recording studio. Yoyo has her own plans."

It is said Ekin plans to marry Yoyo, but Yoyo says she does not believe the report, Ekin said: "She doesn't read news much. I said this many times, I really haven't thought of getting married in the past. But now seeing my friends are married, I would think about it!" As for Yoyo intends to develop her career outside TVB after her contract ends, Ekin frankly said will respect girlfriend: "You earn more from filming in Mainland, but needs more hard work. In contrast, you earn less filming in Hong Kong."

Source: Oriental Daily / Translation: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment


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