Friday, December 24, 2010

Kay Wishes You a Merry X'Mas :)

Hello! ^.^ :D

It's the first Christmas Kay's Entertainment is spending with you guys XD 聖誕節快樂!! Hope you're having a wonderful holiday with you love ones, family and friends. Hope you get some great gifts :P Eat well (yummy Christmas dinner) and sleep well (be in bed as long as you want! break!)!

Even if you are spending the holiday alone (unfortunately), we're here for you~ Don't get frustrated like the pic on the right (LOL). Even if you're frustrated, I hope everything will be better soon for you. We all have hard times that others might not understand (or you shout "You just don't understand!"), but hope you understand getting upset at your frustration won't make anything better. Life is short if you don't cherish it well. Be happy and smile and laugh when you can. Live your life with no regrets.

What are your plans while off from school/work? Travel?? Visit family? Or just chill? Mine...not much -.- But I'm happy I can watch dramas without worry it would affect my studies XD

Really appreciate you coming here. Make your vacation awesome and enjoy it! Share with me if you want!

From: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment


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