Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Bernice Liu Leaves With A Black Face

Bernice Liu and actors from TVB sitcom "Show Me the Happy" attended to a Dongzhi meal party yesterday. Currently "trouble" with lots of negative rumors, Bernice told reporters when she saw them that she already account everything in the radio interview and will not reply to romance-related topics. Asked whether she will eat Dongzhi dinner with her new man Alastair Lam, she said: "Need to film until tomorrow morning." Talked about Moses Chan is filming in nearby studio, she said: "I don't know! (Can't even meet each other in the same dressing room?) I went to the studio after I shoot outdoor scenes. (Avoid meeting each other?) No! We're colleagues, still keep in touch." Talked about why she did not deny Moses is the one who release information to reporters, Bernice turned black-faced [unhappy, not a good mood] and left immediately.

Bernice's costar Roger Kwok expressed he has not contact Moses recently. Asked whether he would introduce non-materialistic women to the dumped actor, he said: "How do you know he doesn't have money? No need to introduce in this generation." Roger said he has not seen any man driving Bernice to work and home. The dad-to-be also disclosed he and wife Cindy Au went to a check-up yesterday and the baby is doing well; but cannot figure out the gender yet. Cindy is expected to give birth in July and he might put his jobs on hold to welcome the baby.

Source: Mingpao / Translation: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment


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