Wednesday, December 28, 2011

'There was this bright light above me': Teenager makes heartbreaking video about his near-death experiences - a week before he dies from heart attack


Sick: Ben Breedlove, 18, had battled with a life-threatening heart condition his whole life

After cheating death three times, Ben Breedlove, 18, finally lost his life on Christmas night after suffering from a heart attack.

But not before he recorded videos of his life and near-death experiences and how at peace he felt when he believed he was leaving the world.

The Austin teenager had a life-threatening heart condition he fought every day as he was growing up.

Unique story: In the video, he describes his three near-death experiences using flash cards

He had a near death experience when he was four, fourteen and then less than a month ago.

In the video, he shares these experiences, including the bright light that brought him peace the first time around and the time he was wearing a suit and standing in a white room with his favourite rapper Kid Cudi.

Of this experience, he wrote: 'I then looked in the mirror, I was proud of myself of my entire life, everything I have done. It was the BEST feeling.'

Acceptance: He talks about bright lights and feeling at peace and a rapper called Kid Cudi he met

The rapper posted this message on his blog after hearing of Ben's death: 'I am so sad about Ben Breedlove. I watched the video he left for the world to see, and him seeing me in detail, in his vision really warmed my heart.

'I broke down... To Ben’s family, you raised a real hero, he’s definitely mine. You have my love.'

Talking about the white light he saw in the hospital when he was four he wrote: 'I couldn't take my eyes off it, and I couldn't help but smile. I had no worries at all, like nothing else in the world mattered.'

Beyond the grave: He died on Christmas night from a heart attack and left these videos behind

Ben had a popular YouTube channel OurAdvice4You in which he dealt out relationship advice to his peers.

It was in his last YouTube video, uploaded on December 18, that he made the heartbreaking video, using a series of flash cards to talk about growing up with the heart problem.

Experience: He said though he had no pulse and his heart had stopped, he could still hear what people were saying around him

Heaven: He said the feeling of peace was so immense, he did not want to leave

He revealed he regrets not being like everyone else: 'I was never allowed to play sports that my friends did. It kinda sucks that I missed out on that part of my life.'

Family: Ben with his family when he was a kid (on top of his father's shoulders) who he describes as awesome

Hobby: When Ben was alive he liked doing watersports with his brother Jake

source: dailymail


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