Thursday, December 29, 2011

Up, pup and away! Elisabetta Canalis jets off with her pet dogs in tow


A dog's life: Elisabetta Canalis arrives for her flight with her two adorable pet pooches in Los Angeles today

The Italian model took her four-legged friends for a walk around the gigantic airport.
It looks like Elisabetta Canalis' pet pooches are now members of the doggie flying club.
For the Dancing With The Stars flop brought her pet Manchester Terriers with her as she jetted out of Los Angeles today.
George Clooney's former girlfriend was seen getting ready to make her way off for a Christmas holidays break at LAX.

What now? Perhaps she could put her Manchester Terriers to work and get them to sniff out her departure lounge

And the 33-year-old must have felt peckish, as she ended up stopping at a shop to by some treats.
She looked far from her usual glamorous self in a pair of leggings, long-sleeved white T-shirt and and trainers.

Do you sell Pedigree Chum? Perhaps Elisabetta realised she had forgotten to bring her pals some much needed food

It could be argued 2011 has not been the best year for Elisabetta.
Despite being one of the favourites for this year's Dancing With The Stars, her wooden performances caused her to be the second contestant to be eliminated.
In addition she split with her sex symbol boyfriend George Clooney in June, bringing a close to a relationship that had been going since 2009.
A rebound romance True Blood star Mehcad Brooks was also a failure, lasting from October to the start of the month.
But at least she still has her faithful four-legged friends for company.

Lead on: It looks like her dogs were taking Elisabetta for a walk as she grinned inanely at their antics

source: dailymail


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