They were his 'three little princesses.'
These are the chilling pictures of murdered nine-year-old Aliahna Lemmon that her 'killer' posted on Facebook one month before he allegedly bashed her in the head with a brick, hacked her to pieces with a handsaw and kept her head in his freezer.
Suspect Michael Plumadore posted a photo of Alaihna standing alongside her sisters - one he was able to take because he had gained the trust of the family after befriending her grandfather James Lemmon.
Lemmon and Pulmadore pair knew each because they were both sex offenders and were in jail together.
On his Facebook page, Plumadore has several chilling pictures of the disabled girl who captured national attention when she went missing from a trailer park in Fort Wayne, Indiana, Thursday night.
She and her two sisters were staying with Plumadore, 39, at his trailer while her mother recovered from the flu.
Richard Patee, 58, whose trailer is next to where Plumadore was living, said he didn't think it was odd that Aliahna's mother had him watching the girls for an extended period.
'They had known each other for somewhere of three to four years, I know that, and he took care of their grandfather,' Patee said. 'I didn't see any reason to question it at all.'
Shumaker said it wasn't unusual for Plumadore to watch Souders' children 'because the kids liked him.'

Sheriff Fries said detectives have a good idea why he killed Aliahna, but the lawman would not discuss Plumador's motive.
Plumadore cracked during his third interview with police. Detectives had spoken with him twice before and he had given no indication that he was responsible for Aliahna's disappearance, sheriff Fries said.
The bogus story he first gave to detectives was that he had seen the girl sleeping in his chair at 6am Thursday when he got up to buy a cigar at a nearby convenience store.

Sheriff Fries said he and his detectives didn't believe his story but they had nothing but his word to go on.
Until Monday. The day after Christmas, detectives 'finally hit the right chords' and Plumadore came clean.
He said used a brick to beat Aliahna in the back of the head multiple times as she stood on the steps outside his trailer. He then wrapped her body in several garbage bags and put it her his freezer, according to court documents.

On Monday, FBI agents descended on the rundown mobile home park in Fort Wayne where Aliahna lived.
The park is a known haven for registered sex offenders, though Plumadore isn't on Indiana's registered sex offenders list. He has a criminal record in Florida and North Carolina that includes convictions for trespassing and assault.
More than 100 emergency workers searched Saturday for Aliahna around the mobile home park, where she was last seen.

Sheriff Fries told the Mail Online searchers exhausted every possible hiding place in a one-mile radius around the trailer where she disappeared.
He didn't see any good in using the manpower to lead further widespread hunts for the girl, who was feared dead as federal authorities took over.
About a half-dozen officers in black windbreakers, several of whom identified themselves as FBI agents subsequently arrived, some with search dogs were seen at a nearby storage facility.

Aliahna's mother, Tarah Souders, 28, told The Journal Gazette earlier on Monday that her daughter had vision and hearing problems and suffered from attention deficit disorder and emotional problems. She also has a history of sleepwalking, family members said.
Aliahna and her sisters were staying at a family friend's nearby home because their mother had been sick with the flu and Aliahna's stepfather works at night and sleeps during the day.
Plumadore told the newspaper Sunday that he left the three girls in his mobile home about 6am Friday and went to a gas station about a mile away to buy a cigar.

Plumadore said it wasn't until he talked with Aliahna's mother at about 8:30pm that they realised she was missing and police were notified.
Tarah Souders said miscommunication between the two of them caused the delay in determining that Aliahna had vanished.
'She's never wandered off,' Souders said. 'She's never done anything like this before.'
source: dailymail
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