Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I just have to say...

... that she nails it every time.

Sadder news (therefore not deserving of visual aid) was the result of the awards. TV choices were:
a) Horrifically predictable: Are Claire Danes and Al Pacino collecting awards for these performances in 2056? It seems very likely.
b) Sad: "Boardwalk Empire" and "The Good Wife" taking awards from "Mad Men".
c) Outrageous: Betty White winning only because she is older than TV. Alec Baldwin winning for the fifth (!!) time in a row.
d) Wonderful (the exception): MODERN FAMILY!

In film things were:
a) Equally predictable but great: Natalie Portman.
b) Equally predictable and ok but not great: Colin Firth.
c) Equally predictable and I-don't-know-what-else-because-I-haven't-seen-The-Fighter: Melissa Leo and Christian Bale.
d) Apocalyptic: The King's Speech.

I fear. I don't want The King's Speech to win and it seems unavoidable. DOOM! DOOM!


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