Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Introducing MISSTER: The Manly Female Group

From left to right: Milk (潘宜萱), Carol (陳瑾怡), Jin (戴安娜), Chris (賴紫綸), Chiao (王哲巧)
You don't have to be sweet or sexy to form a female group in the showbiz.

A new Taiwanese group called MISSTER is introduced to the music industry recently. Lead by "One Million Star" contestant Jin, the five-members group goes for the handsome manly looks. Their outfits and appearance seem to have inspiration taken from some of the K-Pop boy groups in the market. The biggest difference is, all five members from MISSTER are actually females.

The group has been strictly trained the past year. Singing, dancing, and composing, if they weren't serious or good enough, they won't be chosen to be in the group now.

This special female group is releasing their debut album "MissTER" soon, around February 25. First single "BOMB BOMB BOMB" is already released.

Listen to "BOMB BOMB BOMB":

Source: UDN / By: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment

[Kay says: I just thought it's an interesting group, that's why I did this article XD]


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