Friday, February 18, 2011

Male Private Part Exposed in '7 Days in Life'?

TVB drama "7 Days in Life" might have ended this Friday, but netizens still cannot forget that one scene in episode 15.

The drama begins with the kidnap of a young boy, who is the son of Wonderful Harbour Hotel's CEO. One of the kidnappers, portrayed by Patrick Tang, is quarantined in the hotel with the boy as one of the hotel guests is diagnosed with H1N1.

Later in the drama, head of the kidnappers, portrayed by Joseph Lee Kwok Keung, goes into the hotel and tries to bring the boy out. In episode 15, Lee is seen stepping out from the shower with only a towel around the hips. He gets mad when he sees the boy's hands are untied and he tries to hit him. Tang's helper Mimi Lo tries to protect the boy away from Lee, and at one point, she takes away Lee's towel, leaving Lee only a small face towel to cover his private part.

Netizens suspects Lee actually exposed his private part in that scene. However, Lee denied, promising he absolutely did not expose his private part to the audiences.

"I was wearing underwear and shorts," he said. "But I'm glad people believe I was being naked in that scene. That means it was well done."

The tiny shadow on the wall is why netizens are discussing the incident so enthusiastically. In fact, it was only the shadow of Lee's finger when he was holding the towel. Definitely a "beautiful misunderstanding."

Source: Mingpao / By: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment


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