Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ada Choi Camera-shy While Shopping With Husband

Sometimes stars are a little camera-shy.

The 6-months-pregnant Ada Choi was spotted going out with husband Max Zhang. Usually stays at home for her baby, she was shopping groceries yesterday and treated it as a sweet date with her husband. Covering her bump with a heavy coat, she went into the supermarket and brought milk, yogurt, pears, and oranges, even curry.

Didn't expect to see reporters, the TVB actress was surprised and immediately tried to cover her bare face with her hand. Reporters approached her when she stepped out and she even hid behind her husband's back. Reporters asked about her pregnancy, but she kept her mouth shut on that.

"You guys are being bad!," she said with a smile.

Ada later "complained" on Weibo about being followed. She sighed that she should have put on some make-up before going out.

"It's annoying! I was followed yesterday and today again! Hehe...The super tired me could only ask my handsome hubby to protect me! Dang! I should've put on some make-up!"

Source: ON.CC / By: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment


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