Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Noah Castle Film Awards (Part I: Special Awards Part I)

At last the very first Noah Castle Film Awards have begun!!! Firstly I would like to thank (as if making the awards was an award itself and I got to do a speech) the people who have made this possible. Thanks to all the people in the blogosphere whose film awards I admire  (plagiarism is the truest form of flattery...), especially Nathaniel Rogers from The Film Experience, Jason Adams from My New Plaid Pants and Michael Cusumano from Serious Film. But the bulk of the thank-yous goes to Deivith Coast from Deivith Coast Presents..., because if it was not for him not only I wouldn't know what this award business is all about nor I would care. I'm dying to see his awards!!

Now, the first part of the NCFA 2010 Awards is a collection of randomness. Here in the blog I'm only mentioning the multiple nominees for the Sex-On-A-Stick award of the year, but you can head to the new main page to see all sorts of randomness in this first part of the special awards. And without further ado let's see who were the sexiest people in 2010 films...

Niels Schneider in Les Amours Imaginaires by Xavier Dolan who is also quite very sexy. But as the two main characters I could not help but to be enchanted by this merman. Besides he's so cute when he's wearing his presents...

Ryan Gosling in Blue Valentine. I prefer his younger version but I would take him anyway. He has a sexiness so manly... not to mention his bubble butt.

Amanda Seyfried in Chloe. Was someone thinking this was going to be all men? Well, it is mostly (sorry straight men and gay women) but we have space for a few ladies. And Amanda is one of them. She's so sexy/elegant in Chloe and her boobs are humongous!

Tom Hardy and Joseph Gordon-Levitt in Inception. Could Tom Hardy have a more appropriate surname. He makes us hardy is what I mean. And JGL is so dashing in this film. So serious and strict. There should be a spin-off in which they find that their different approaches to dreaming make them a perfect match for sex. Actually I don't need the excuse. Just the sex. Thank you.

Mark Wahlberg in The Fighter. Not only is he hot, hot, hot, he also plays the nicest human being on Earth. And he fell asleep during a Fernando Trueba film!! What more can you ask?

Cam Gigandet in Burlesque. If I was Ali and found out that my roomie Cam Gigandet is not gay I would put my pants back on as she does but not out of embarrassment but out of anger! And I would take all boxes of cookies out of the house! 

Natasha Yarovenko in HabitaciĆ³n en Roma (Room in Rome). One of the most gorgeous women ever, Natasha (or her character) has that disbelief of her beauty that makes her all the more breath-taking. It is helpful, in order to admire her, that she spends most of the film in her birth-suit...

And this is it for now! Soon (hopefully) you'll be able to read the second part of the Special Awards with more candidates for the Sex-On-A-Stick...


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