Friday, February 18, 2011

The Noah Castle Film Awards (Prologue)

This first part of the NCFA (the worldwide famous Noah Castle Film Awards) is actually not about awards for the films I loved the most in 2010 but for the ones that a) I have not had the chance to love yet or b) the ones I have had a chance to love but thought: "Mmh, maybe not!". 

So, these are the twenty films released in 2010 that I most likely will watch sometime in the future. Therefore do not expect to see them in the actual awards posts...

In alphabetical order:

- Another Year
- Barney's Version 
- The Company Men 
- El Cónsul de Sodoma 
- Country Strong 
- Enter the Void
- Four Lions 
- Get Low 
- Hereafter 
- How do You Know 

- Howl
-I'm Still Here
- In a Better World
- Incendies
- The Killer Inside Me
- Made in Dagenham
- La Mujer sin Piano
- Red
- Secretariat
- The Tempest

Some of them I really want to see, some others will be waiting a long time before my retinas pay them any attention (I'm looking to you, Hereafter!) but all of them will most likely be irrelevant for my awards. If not (surprises happen) I will correct my wrongs the minute I see them. Maybe a couple of minutes afterward. Yes. That sounds precise and scientific.


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