Friday, February 11, 2011

Leanne Li Prefers No Kissing Scene For Wong Cho Lam

Even just for work, Leanne Li still doesn't want her Wong Cho Lam to kiss others.

After secretly dating more than a year, the couple can finally open up their relationship and go on dates publicly. Although currently in a stable relationship, but they have no plans of marriage at this moment. In fact, it was a rough start for the two in the beginning.

"We were on and off when he was pursuing me," Leanne says on a radio interview. "But I finally realized he is the one."

Their height difference is something people talk mostly about, and Leanne, who stands 6-inches taller than Cho Lam, once concerned about this problem. But now she doesn't think it matters, and has other concerns.

"I can't avoid getting jealous when I see him films romantic scenes with others. It would be better for him to have no kissing scenes."

Source: Mingpao / By: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment


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