Monday, January 31, 2011

Kate Tsui Tells Boyfriend Requirements

Kate Tsui attended to the press conference of love drama <你們我們他們> adapted from Taiwanese artist Jimmy Liao's "Little Troubles." She and costar Ron Ng will play different characters in 10 different stories. was absent due to sickness, and Kate joked her partner is always missing: "My partner is always missing, like Alex Fong. I'm filming 'Forensic Heroes 3' with Ron, and we were performing guests of Raymond Lam's concert. Maybe he got too tired from everything."

Talked about her ideal partner, she said he should be someone financially stable, and loves her and her family. Additional requirements are good health and older than her, so he can take care of her. It's said her new boss Chan Kwok Keung matches all her requirements, she immediately said: "He's married!"

Source: Oriental Daily, Mingpao / Translation: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment


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