Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Yoyo Mung's Evil Role is Popular

Yoyo Mung attended to a skincare brand event yesterday. Playing a villain in series "Links to Temptation," Yoyo expressed: "I got several phone calls from my friends, they say I'm scary and very evil. (Boyfriend Ekin Cheng watches it yet?) He would watch it when he's free. He called yesterday and said he watched yesterday's episode. He said I did pretty well. Receiving people's acknowledgment, even though it was hard to portray, it's worth it."

She joked the world is changing, even playing villains can be popular: "Like reporters said I started to age early, then many companies called and let me try many of their products. (Would you try botox?) I'm against injecting it in my face, it's better to stay natural." Asked whether her contract with TVB is over, she replied: "Just changed a different type of contract. When TVB is still using me, I still belong to them."

Source: Oriental Daily / Translation: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment


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