Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Raymond Lam's Sister Resembles Wong Cho Lam?

Raymond Lam is one of the winners of Metro's Hit Male Singers but he did not attend to the awards ceremony to receive the award. Instead, he returned to his hometown to attend his sister Lam Wai Yan's wedding. Once the wedding photos are exposed, netizens started to discuss how his sister resembles Wong Cho Lam.

It was said Raymond "fixed" his nose, making it appeared taller and straighter. Looking at his sister, she actually does not seem to have inherited the same feature but instead appears to have Wong Cho Lam's "Cho Lam nose." Many netizens agreed that the two shared similar facial features.

Willing to skip awards ceremony for his sister's wedding, Raymond expressed at the wedding he hopes his sister can get pregnant soon. In fact, his parents actually want Raymond himself, who is the eldest, to get married and have kids. They even introduced some girls at the party to the TVB actor, hoping he can find his Ms. Right.

Source: Oriental Daily / By: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment


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