Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Joyce Cheng's Debut Album is Sales Chart Winner

Joyce Cheng's debut album <有故事的人> [rough translation: Person With Stories] has received good response after it was released and additional copies are being printed. Her album is number 1 on the Chinese album sales chart of music stores HMV, Hong Kong Records, and CD Warehouse this week. Her single "有故事的人" is also at the number 1 spot of TVB's Jade Solid Gold and RTHK's Chinese Gold Songs Chart.

Joyce says she is very happy that people like her album. She promises to try harder at work and will not disappoint everyone. Recently she is busy promoting her second single <半份關心>, new drama "7 Days in Life," and movie "I Love Hong Kong." She will not have several days off until Chinese New Year.

Source: Mingpao / Translation: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment


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