Saturday, January 29, 2011

Vic Chou Holds Fans Meeting in Japan

He definitely has many fans in Asia.

Vic Chou held 4 fans meetings in Tokyo yesterday. Haven't been in Japan for nearly 2 years, he finally got to meet his fans, and all of them who attended to the meeting were female. There were many fans who couldn't purchase tickets waiting outside the venue. Some of them even offered to pay double the price, just to meet their idol.

The F4 member sang 4 songs during the fans meeting. After that, he and fellow partner in "Black & White" Janine Chang held a 'high five' meeting for their drama's limited edition DVD release. A pregnant fans wanted the two to give her some luck by touching her bump, and the two corporated and placed their hands on it, wishing her a safe delivery of the baby.

Vic will be holding another fans meeting Osaka today, making him meet 100,000 lucky Japanese fans in total. He earned even more: total sales from tickets, DVD, and other fan products these 4 days is estimated to be $37,000,000NTD.

Source: Liberty Times / By: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment


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