Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Toby Leung Confirms Marriage in Year of the Rabbit

Toby Leung attended to a function at a mall and expressed she will get married in the year of  the rabbit [the year of rabbit begins on February 3 this year], becoming Mrs. Wong. Her soon-to-be husband works at the clothing industry and leaves Hong Kong often for work. She can only rely on e-mails to plan their wedding.

Talked about his proposal last year, Toby said she had a dream about it already and the next day, he really did propose.

She said: "It was October 10. We were eating Korean BBQ with my sister and a bunch of friends. Then he suddenly kicked open the door and proposed. Others thought we were having a fight! It was also 10:10PM. I kind of forgot the whole thing, because I just kept on crying!"

Source: Mingpao, Oriental Daily / Translation: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment


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