Saturday, January 8, 2011

Mandy Cho is Pregnant Already?

Just a few months after their wedding in October, Mandy Cho and her husband might be parents-to-be now.

Mandy attended to a charity event yesterday and appeared in a winter jacket. A bump is visible and the Miss Hong Kong touched her belly often during the event. Reporters asked whether she is pregnant, but she denied with a smile: "Just got fatter!" Reporters continued to ask whether she could not say it now due to the 3-months rule, and she replied: "Talk about this later!"

Reporters kept asking pregnancy-related questions such as whether she throws up and whether she has any food in particular wants to eat, but Mandy was being smart when replying: "I'm always in a good health. I eat healthy foods and I eat pretty much everything."

Mandy married boyfriend Jacky last year and already disclosed she would appear less in the showbiz, but will continue to support charity organizations.

Source: Oriental Daily / By: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment


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