Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Da S Can't Wait No More, Finishes Marriage Registration in Beijing

The couple in Shanghai airport last night
Engaged after meeting fiance Wang Xiao Fei just four times, Barbie Hsu (Da S) cannot wait any longer to be married. Yesterday she and fiance went to Beijing to get marriage certificate together and finished the registration in 10 minutes.

Da S took a few days off from the filming of film "Da Wu Sheng" and flew back to Taiwan to get necessary documents. Then she went to Beijing to meet Wang and the two went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to register. According to a good friend of Wang, there is no special meaning for the two to register on the 16th. "Because Da S' registered permanent residence is not in Mainland, so it takes a little longer to finish the process. Today is the perfect day and they just cannot wait any longer," the friend disclosed.

Because not many people were there at the office, the couple finished the process quickly without being noticed by fans and media.  They finished this simple registration in just 10 minutes.

Although they are now registered as a married couple, however, they are not legally husband and wife yet. It is known the process is quite complicated in their case. They need to wait for a 7-10 days notarization period, then another 15 business days while their certificate is being verified by Taiwan's Straits Exchange Foundation. After the waiting, Wang needs to be interviewed in Taiwan. The whole process takes about 2-3 months in total.

It is also known the couple is holding their wedding next year in March and they will hold at least 3 times. First in Hainan Island, then in Taiwan, and lastly in Beijing.

Source: UDN, 163 / Translation: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment


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