Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Asia Emmy Awards to be Held in March 2011

U.S Emmy Awards, Taiwan's Golden Bell Awards and Mainland's Hua Ding Awards are all award presentations giving TV artists recognition. Because Hong Kong lacks a fair and justice TV awards ceremony, the HK Television Association finally received subsidies from the government to hold an "Asia Emmy Awards" called the Asian TV Awards, scheduled for March 2011. The awards ceremony invites local outstanding artists from series and non-serial programs to participate. It was said that Barbie Hsu from Taiwanese drama "Summer's Desire," Charmaine Sheh and Moses Chan from TVB's "Can't Buy Me Love," Rain (Bi) from Korean drama "The Fugitive: Plan B" and Takuya Kimura from Japanese drama "Moon Lovers" are invited to compete for TV King and Queen awards.

Judges will be picked from local TV stations in Asia. Programs aired from March 2010 to March 2011 in Asia can apply to compete in the award ceremony. Not only it is an award ceremony for TV programs, other categories such as music will be included as well.

Source: Apply Daily / Translation: aZnangel & KAY


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