Wong Cho Lam once openly admitted that he is currently dating and claimed his Ms. Right is outside the showbiz, but the identity of his girlfriend has been a mystery. It was until yesterday that he finally admitted on Weibo he is actually dating rumored girlfriend Leanne Li.
"Thanks God. In times allowed by God, our relationship is exposed to the public. Hope you all can bless us," he wrote on Weibo.
In fact, a magazine already reported the two's relationship and snapped pictures of them holding hands in its newest issue. Wong decided to generously confirm the relationship eventually.
The couple appeared in TV City coincidentally yesterday and confirmed their relationship in public. Wong expressed they have known each other for about 4-5 years already and he spent 3 years to pursue Li. "I like how she does not mind my height and appearance," the 5'3 actor said.
Li was asked what does she like about her boyfriend and she listed many things all at once. "I like he is responsible, loves me very much, treats me very well, and treats other people very well," the 5'9 Miss Chinese International expressed.
Earlier Wong disclosed his girlfriend does not like how he always dress up as women. Li admitted once getting a little upset and jealous because of it, since he has a good body figure and even better than hers. But she decided not to mind because she will support her boyfriend's job.
The couple expressed their company (TVB) does not object the relationship, just telling them to keep it low-profile. As for whether they would work as a couple, Wong frankly said it will not happen unless they have no job offers at all.
Source: Mingpao, Wenweipo / By: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment
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