Friday, November 26, 2010

Yoyo Chen Pole Dances in New Ads

Yoyo Chen is endorsing for a new body slimming lotion and she specially went to learn pole dancing prior shooting ad photos for the product. She posed different sexy poses during the photo shoot. She said it is more important to have a good result; it is okay if she gets hurt and tired from the dance.

Wearing a black dance outfit exposing her waist and slim legs, the TVB actress expressed she is small-boned and will look like chubby with just some extra pounds. After some time of pole dancing, her body is more toned up and she even joked she can show lots of skin now. She exposed she needs to pay special attention when she does not get enough sleep because she gets facial edema easily.

Source: ON.CC / By: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment


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