Sunday, November 7, 2010

Linda Chung Supports Raymond Lam: He's Still Young

Linda Chung attended to a wedding gown fashion show yesterday along with other models. They appeared in home furniture-inspired gowns. Linda was the last to appear and she was wearing a crystal light-inspired gown.

Earlier a producer exposed Raymond Lam's movies did not do so well as expected and TVB executive Mona Fong gave Raymond an encouraging letter to support the actor. Raymond's rumored girlfriend Linda said: "Every artiste will be touched from receiving a letter from Mona. We know she cares about us a lot. It's more important for us artistes to do our job. We are not in control of other things." She continued: "A film doesn't mean everything. Raymond is still young. I'm not a professional and I don't know how to distinguish. There must be some people who like or dislike us." She expressed she has not watched his new films due to busy working, but will definitely buy DVD to support.

Source: Oriental Daily / Translation: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment


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