Friday, November 26, 2010

Cheryl Yang's Face Changed When She Hears Harry Has a Wife

It is rumored that Cheryl Yang and her boyfriend Harry Chang is engaged. The "My Queen" actress attended to the end-of-filming dinner for idol drama "Zhong Wu Yen" last night and did not deny her relationship with the Da Mouth singer; however, she did clear up the engagement rumor: "Getting married is the biggest goal in my life. It needs three things: right place, right time, and right person. It's fated. I'm hoping for the arrival of that day."

During the dinner party, the actress was informed about Harry's "wife" went to the filming set of "Material Queen" (rough translation from 拜金女王) to visit Harry. When she heard the word "wife," she was surprised and her face changed all of a sudden. But she was relieved after knowing that was just the name a crazy fan calls herself.

In the end of "Zhong Wu Yen," Ming Dao and Cheryl are together and get married in a church. The rumored-engaged Cheryl expressed her thoughts about marriage: "When I was 20, I wanted to get married at 28. But once I'm over 30, I feel like, just let fate decides for me. I think women shouldn't marry at a young age, because that way you can allow yourself to experience more and understand yourself more."

Source: UDN, Liberty Times / Translation: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment


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