Saturday, November 6, 2010

Blackie & Fan Fan Finally Engaged

After he proposed to Christine Fan (Fan Fan) in February, Blackie Chen finally held an engagement ceremony today. The couple invited 40 family members to the ceremony and along with the event, they also celebrated birthday for Fan Fan's mother, who turned 62. After the ceremony, Blackie shared his thoughts and photos on Weibo, thanking everyone's blessings and praising his fiancee was very beautiful.

The now engaged couple have been dating for 10 years. They met each other in variety show "Guess Guess Guess" and Blackie, who was a temporary host, fell in love with Fan Fan immediately. There was one time he wanted to give flowers to her, but because he did not know which unit she lived, he ended up putting a flower in every mailbox.

Blackie expressed he is not quite used to calling his father-in-law "dad." "I haven't call someone my dad for more than 10 years. From now on, I have another person who I can call him 'dad,'" he said with a laugh.

The couple expressed they thought of holding their wedding in March of next year, however, everything is not set. As for their good friend Barbie Hsu is holding her wedding in the same month, Blackie expressed they are willing to delay theirs to accommodate Barbie. "We've been together for 10 years. Already 10 years, actually it doesn't matter to postpone our wedding a month or so," he said.

Source: NowNews, Liberty Times / Translation: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment


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