Tuesday, November 16, 2010

TVB Ratings Report (11/8-11/14/2010)

The following picture has a full breakdown of last week's ratings!! No Regrets peaked 37 pts in the last 15 minutes of Episode 16, where Raymond Wong was saving Fala Chen!! Woot Raymond!!

No Regrets - 巾幗梟雄之義海豪情 (EPS 16-20) - 33 PTS (Peaking at 37 PTS)

Gun Metal Grey - 刑警 (EPS 06-10) - 30 PTS (Peaking at 32 PTS)

Some Day - 天天天晴 (EPS 102-106) - 26 PTS (Peaking at 29 PTS)

Rooms to Let - 有房出租 (EP 06) (TUESDAY) - 18 PTS

Variety Shows
Super Trio Game Master - 超級遊戲獎門人 (EP 27 SUNDAY) - 29 PTS

Kitchen Diva So - 和味蘇 (EP 04 SUNDAY) - 24 PTS

Liza and Gods Anniversary Charade - 荃加福祿壽玩轉台慶 (EP 01 SATURDAY) - 23 PTS (Peaking at 24 PTS)

Papa Soloman's Treasure - 森海尋寶 (WEEKDAYS) - 21 PTS (Peaking at 24 PTS)

ATV 2011 Sales Presentation - 2011節目巡禮 - 2 PTS

- "No Regrets" received 1 complaint on impropriety, the scenes were too violent.
- "Gun Metal Grey" received 1 complaint on the scene where only 1 police officer was arranged to patrol the area, this was an unreasonable arrangement.
- ATV's 2011 Sales Presentation received 3 complaints that the changed lyrics to the National Anthem was something insulting.


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