Sunday, October 17, 2010

Charmaine Sheh Earns From Selling Properties

Charmaine Sheh, one of the top favorites to win TV Queen this year, attended to a Mainland property press event yesterday. She was asked whether she knows how to invest, and expressed: "I only know how to buy properties. I think it's safer. (How many properties do you own?) The price is high now, I sold them all. (You earned a lot?) Satisfying amount!" Reporters then asked her whether finding a husband is safer than buy properties, Charmaine expressed it's safer to buy properties, because people change but not buildings. Asked whether she plans to buy properties in Mainland, she said: "I thought of it. I just returned from Guangzhou last night. The environment is really good there."

Charmaine also said she won't be in Hong Kong during TVB's Anniversary Awards Ceremony because she has to shoot series in Mainland. She said: "I need to go in the middle of November. I have to stay there for 70 days, so it's not up to me to decide. I have to see if they let me come back to Hong Kong to attend the award ceremony."

Source: Oriental Daily / Translation: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment


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