Monday, October 25, 2010

Million Views For 'No Regrets' Online

TVB anniversary series "No Regrets" was premiered last week and average rating of the week is only 31 points, peaking 34 points. It didn't break or tie the first week average rating of its competitor "Can't Buy Me," which received 33 points. However, online views of the series on MyTV at make it up. It's the number 1 most viewed series online, receiving an average 70-80 thousands views per episode. Until last night, episode 5 even received more than 1.15 million views.

This anticipating series still received some complaints, saying the plot is too negative and sensational. Broadcast Authority also received 1 complaint, pointing out scenes of eating dog meat is too disturbing.

Source: Mingpao / Translation: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment


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