Monday, October 18, 2010

William Chan Refuses to Tattoo For Ah Sa

William Chan attended to a Halloween event yesterday. As for earlier he and Charlene Choi (Ah Sa) were photographed attending to a wedding party-like dinner and was they're preparing for their wedding, he explained the dinner party was for an EEG colleague who is leaving the company. He said: "We were toasting for her, not other people congratulating us." He said although they've made their relationship public, but they will keep their love life low-profile. Plus they are busy for work and never thought of going on a vacation together.

Asked whether he would accept pairing with Ah Sa for work, he said will let his company to decide. As for Ah Sa releasing an album after opening her new love life, and it was said it's a tool for promotion, William admitted they're prepared for this type of rumor and won't mind. Asked whether he would have a tattoo for Ah Sa, he said: "I already have 4 tattoos. I don't plan on getting another one because it's not good for work, especially during filming, it's hard to hide them. And I don't think she [Ah Sa] would mind."

As for whether it was Ah Sa who pursue him, he expressed: "It's our secret! But of course it's guys who take action."

Source: Mingpao, Oriental Daily / Translation: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment


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