Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Kiki Sheung, 48, Wants to Experience Pain in Childbirth

Yesterday was Kiki Sheung's first time attending to public event after her wedding. She seems to have kept her thinner figure. She expressed because Sandra Ng told her to stay fit and change image; can't always act as a fat housewife in series. Kiki felt there isn't any change after she is married, just not used to call her partner 'husband.' "An online wedding gown awards ceremony invited us to attend as guests. I actually told them I need to ask my boyfriend first," she said. Asked whether she plans to have babies? "No need to. When my children grew up, we will be around 70." But asked whether she and her husband shares the same thought, she said: "Let it be. I don't use contraception now. It's okay if God gives me one, let me experience the pain when giving birth."

Source: Mingpao / Translation: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment


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