Monday, October 18, 2010

Myolie Wu Supports Charmaine Sheh Will Beat Sheren Tang

Yesterday Myolie Wu attended a public event and when mentioning her new series with rumored boyfriend Bosco Wong in Qingdao, Bosco said that he's sharing down jacket sponsor with her, Myolie smiled sweetly: "I really didn't know, I was thinking of buying one on my own too. I thank him!"

Asked if she'll be attending the TVB Anniversary Awards, Myolie expressed that everything will be arranged by her company. Regarding TV Queen, she supports Charmaine Sheh. Asked if Sheren Tang's chances of getting it is relatively low? Myolie said: "I don't know, after all I haven't watched her series. But if I had to choose, I like Charmaine." She expressed that she will catch the TVB anniversary series No Regrets, male lead Wayne Lai said if the ratings aren't good, then he is willing to pick cow dung. Myolie said: "Not necessary, I have confidence for the series."

Source: Mingpao / Translation: aZnangel @ AEU


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