Sunday, October 24, 2010

Moses Chan Asks Bernice Liu to Stay

Moses Chan attended to a Quaker event yesterday and told the audience his ten ways of getting healthy. He even showed off his cooking and made oatmeal pancake. He actually knows how to get girls with magic, because he plays a magician in new series <心戰>. He joked his English name Moses sounds like magician. He's good at performing with coins, and had made many women happy in the past.

As for there are reports of his rumored girlfriend Bernice to leave TVB after her contract expired, Moses expressed he hopes she can stay for better career. He believes only actors themselves know when the contract will expire, but he thinks TVB now stepped into the film and music industry, so its artistes shouldn't worry. Plus lately many people are asking him and Bernice to pair up at work, so no need for him to advise, she would know that she's doing fine.

Source: Mingpao / Translation: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment


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