Monday, October 18, 2010

Raymond Lam & Ron Ng Won't Fight For Linda Chung

Recently it's rumored Raymond Lam, Linda Chung, and Ron Ng formed a love triangle. Raymond always like Linda, but Linda and Ron sparked up during shooting series "Yes Sir, No Sir." Good brothers Raymond and Ron therefore ended their long term brotherhood.

Yesterday the three accepted interview at the TVB anniversary lightning ceremony. Raymond didn't understand what's going on with the love triangle, expressing he just got off from the plane and hasn't read the report. It's said he lost to Ron, and he replied: "Never began, how could he lose?" As for he is no longer good brother with Ron, he pointed the report is funny because they've known each other for more than 10 years. Asked whether Ron matches Linda, he said: "We are matchable with everyone, but I'm talking about on-screen." Raymond said his rumor with Linda has been going on for years and it seems he's out of the trouble now Ron joined in.

Linda won't reply to the rumor, and Ron expressed he didn't want to pursue Linda, he explained: "We shoot intimate scenes to go along with the plot." It's said Raymond disappointed him, as he wrote on Weibo "A friend disappointed me," he immediately cleared up: "I'm talking about friends outside the showbiz. My relationship with Raymond is not affected."

Source: Mingpao / Translation: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment


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