Friday, October 22, 2010

S.H.E's Selina Suffers 3rd Degree Burns During Shooting

S.H.E's Selina Ren went to Mainland recently to shoot series "My Date With Spring" (我與春天有個約會). Unfortunately, it's known she and male lead of the series Yu Hao Ming got into an explosive accident.

One afternoon in October 22, Selina and Yu had to shoot an explosion scene. The crew has tested the dynamite six, seven times before official shooting and no problem occurred. However, during official shooting, explosive materials exploded early and created the accident. Seeing things weren't going right, Yu immediately ran to protect Selina with his body, causing him to suffer a greater damage on his skin, up to 35% surface area is burned. No new information on Yu's latest condition is released.

As for Selina, her hands, legs, and back were burned and it's known she needs a skin transplant. Her family and doctors are planning to transfer her back to Taiwan for treatment. Her parents and fiance flew to Shanghai already to take care of her. As for the burn surface area, Selina's manager only knows skin on her hands and legs got damaged the most. But it's confirmed that her face didn't receive any harm.

Source: NowNews, HIM / Translation: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment


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