Sunday, October 2, 2011

Teenage Dream

30 is the new 50. 20 is the new 30.
Does that make teenage new standard for the glossy ads in the front of our favorite ads? I am well aware that 17 or below has become the norm for runway models--their prepubescent thin bodies display the clothes wonderfully, just like hangers.
I am not complaining at all, I just feel like an old hag at age 20.
Anyways... onto the meat of this post. I wanted to draw attention to a trend that may or may not have started with Marc Jacobs' ads, using Dakota Fanning as the fresh face.

I love Fanning and the ads, she just seems so young!

Another one looking adorable.

This fall another set of advertisements were put forth with a teenage startlet-- Hailey Steinfeld of True Grit. Her sophisticated fashion sense has always been ahead of her fourteen year old demeanor, but I never thought I'd see her land the Miu Miu campaign!
As shocking as it is, Miu Miu never fails to disappoint and displayed a beautiful plethora of images of the youngster.

So innocent, yet so cool.


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